Skin Care Specialists
To discuss your skin care needs, please call 330-668-4065.
Ellie Skidmore, RN

Crystal Clinic Plastic Surgeon’s Skin Care Specialist Ellie Skidmore, RN, is highly trained in both the medical/surgical and cosmetology side of skin care. She is a member of the Society of Plastic Surgeons Skin Care Specialists and has 14 years experience as an RN and 19 years experience in cosmetology.
Nursing Experience
- Graduated from the University of Akron, 1987
- Medical/surgical experience working on hospital floors for 4 years
- Hospital operating room experience for 10 years specializing in plastic surgery, orthopaedic and cardiovascular surgery
Cosmetology License
- 19 years of experience
- Worked in salons as hairstylist, manicurist, make-up artists and skin care specialist
Personal Information
- Enjoys running — ran the Columbus marathon
- Water skiing
- Aerobics
- Ellie’s greatest enjoyment in life is spending time with her family and watching her son grow up!
Christi VanScoy, RN

Crystal Clinic Plastic Surgeon’s Skin Care Specialist Christi Van Scoy, RN, and Managing Esthetician is highly trained in both cosmetic surgery and skin care. She is a member of the American Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgical Nurses. She has 17 years experience as a cosmetic surgical nurse.
Nursing Experience
- Graduated from the University of Akron, 1993
- Family Center Maternity Care, 1993–1994
- Cosmetic and Reconstructive Surgery, 1994–present
Managing Esthetician License
- Akron Gerber Beauty School, 2005
- Permanent cosmetic makeup
- Obagi training workshops
Personal Information
- Certified fitness instructor
- Certified personal trainer
- Water sports
- Enjoys spending time with family and friends!