A reflection of beauty.

See how our specialists are enhancing facial features and overcoming the effects of aging and sun-damaged skin for a younger, more vital appearance. Through expert non-surgical and surgical techniques, we can help you face the world with a more beautiful and radiant outlook.

Injectables: Botox and Fillers

Explore a variety of options in the non-surgical treatment of wrinkles, fine lines and lost facial fullness.

Brow Lift

Reverse the appearance of an aging, furrowed brow, while helping your eyes appear more open and brighter.

Cheek Augmentation

Transform your face with well-defined cheekbones that balance your other features, while restoring youthfulness.

Chin Augmentation

Achieve a well-defined jawline and more balance between your facial features, while projecting more self-confidence.

Ear Surgery

Escape the embarrassment of large, prominent ears, and face the world with renewed confidence.

Eyelid Surgery

Minimize sagging skin and puffiness around the eyes to look more refreshed, while brightening and opening up the eyes.

Face Lift

Turn back the hands of time and eliminate the most visible signs of aging.

Lip Enhancement

Enhance your smile with plumper, smoother and shapelier lips, with or without surgery.

Neck Lift

Regain a youthful appearance with a well-defined neck silhouette.


Improve both the function of the nasal airway and the appearance of the nose, while boosting self-confidence.

Brow Lift

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Look years younger with a firm, lifted brow.

The eyes say a lot about how a person is feeling, but an aging forehead with a heavy, sagging brow and furrowed lines may convey the wrong emotion, such as anger, sadness or worry. A brow that has sagged over time can also make a person look tired, even after a good night’s sleep.

A brow lift is a cosmetic surgery procedure performed by Crystal Clinic Plastic Surgeons to lift sagging eyebrows and improve the appearance of horizontal lines on the forehead and frown lines between the eyes. Our surgeons are skilled in the entire range of brow lift techniques. The specific technique used is based on factors such as the position of the eyebrows, the amount of excess upper eyelid skin, the height of the hairline and the degree of horizontal forehead creases. 

Most people who have had a brow lift procedure are thrilled with the results, as they often look years younger. Their eyes appear more open and bright, and they generally look more refreshed.

A brow lift may be performed with upper and lower eyelid lifts to further enhance the appearance of the eyes. Because a brow lift will improve, but not completely eliminate deep furrows and creases, BOTOX® may be recommended to temporarily eliminate wrinkles without surgery. Other skin rejuvenation techniques, such as laser resurfacing, microdermabrasion and chemical peels, may be used to address aging due to sun damage. Combined with a brow lift, these facial treatments will make the forehead and the entire face look more rejuvenated.

The best way to know if a brow lift is right for you is to sit down with your Crystal Clinic Plastic Surgeons specialist for a personal consultation. Together, you will discuss your condition, your desired results, the details of the procedure and post-procedure expectations, financial options, and any concerns or questions you may have.  

The first step is to schedule an appointment. Scheduling an initial consultation with your Crystal Clinic Plastic Surgeons expert will not obligate you to move forward with any procedure. 

Cheek Augmentation

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Have the sculpted cheekbones you’ve always wanted.

While prominent cheekbones may define classic beauty, not everyone is born with them. Those who once had well-defined cheeks may find they’ve diminished over time due to the aging process. 

Cheek augmentation, also known as malar augmentation, is a cosmetic surgery procedure performed by Crystal Clinic Plastic Surgeons to either create sculpted cheekbones or recreate those that have been lost to sagging skin. With cheek augmentation, cheek implants are used to add volume and lift. Cheek implants are available in a variety of shapes and sizes, so they can be customized to each person’s individual needs. The surgical technique used to place the implants is based on their size and location.

Although cheek implants are generally the preferred way to enhance the cheekbones, a facelift may be used to reposition sagging cheeks. If just a small amount of volume is needed, facial fillers such as Voluma®, Restylane® or Perlane® may be used to enhance the contours of the face. Facial liposculpture is another excellent way to address the signs of aging without surgery. Fat from another area of the body, such as the abdomen, is injected into the cheek tissues for long-lasting fullness, contour and lift.

The best way to know whether cheek augmentation is right for you is to sit down with your Crystal Clinic Plastic Surgeons specialist for a personal consultation. Together, you will discuss your condition, your desired results, your surgical and non-surgical options, financing, and any concerns or questions you may have.  

The first step is to schedule an appointment. Scheduling an initial consultation with your Crystal Clinic Plastic Surgeons expert will not obligate you to move forward with any procedure. 

Chin Augmentation

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Improve the contours of your chin, neck and jawline.

Those with a weak or recessed chin may feel that their facial features are out of balance, with little definition between the neck and jawline. A small chin bone can also make the face appear heavier with excess tissue in the chin area.

Chin augmentation, also known as genioplasty, is a cosmetic surgery procedure performed by Crystal Clinic Plastic Surgeons that uses a chin implant to resculpt the chin and make it more proportionate to other facial features. Chin augmentation can also redefine the neck and jawline, and reduce the appearance of a double chin. In some cases, nose surgery (rhinoplasty) is performed at the same time to create more balance of features and proportionately create a stronger chin. Liposuction may also be used to remove excess fat under the chin. 

Chin implants are generally the preferred way to correct a recessed chin for long-lasting results. If just a small amount of volume is needed, facial fillers such as Juvederm®, Restylane® or Perlane® may be recommended to improve chin definition. Facial liposculpture is another excellent way to improve facial contours without surgery. Fat from another area, such as the abdomen, is injected into the chin to make it more defined and prominent.

The best way to know whether chin augmentation is right for you—and which options may be best—is to sit down with your Crystal Clinic Plastic Surgeons specialist for a personal consultation. Together, you will discuss your condition, your desired results, the details of the procedure and post-procedure expectations, financial options, and any concerns or questions you may have.  

The first step is to schedule an appointment. Scheduling an initial consultation with your Crystal Clinic Plastic Surgeons expert will not obligate you to move forward with any procedure.  

Ear Surgery

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Never hide your ears again.

Having large, prominent ears can be embarrassing for both children and adults. Children may be teased or ridiculed at school, while self-conscious adults may hide their ears as much as possible.

Ear surgery, also known as otoplasty, is a cosmetic surgery procedure performed by Crystal Clinic Plastic Surgeons to reshape the ears to make them smaller and less prominent. Otoplasty can correct protruding ears by repositioning them closer to the head. It can also address variances between the size or shape of the ears. Otoplasty is one of the most common cosmetic procedures for children, but is suitable for any age. Children can have otoplasty once their ears reach their full size, usually around age 6. 

By making the ears less noticeable, otoplasty can have a dramatic effect on a person’s self-confidence and self-esteem. It can also spare children from teasing that may have a lasting impact on how they feel about themselves and interact with others. 

The best way to know if otoplasty is right for you or your child is to sit down with your Crystal Clinic Plastic Surgeons specialist for a personal consultation. Together, you will discuss the condition, the desired results, the details of the procedure and post-procedure expectations, financial options, and any concerns or questions you may have.  

The first step is to schedule an appointment. Scheduling an initial consultation with your Crystal Clinic Plastic Surgeons expert will not obligate you to move forward with any procedure.  

Eyelid Surgery

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See yourself in a whole new way.

Perhaps more than any other facial feature, the eyes can reveal a lot about a person. If there are dark circles or puffiness under the eyes, or drooping upper eyelids, a person can appear tired, sad or angry – even when they are not. This can also make them look years older. 

Eyelid surgery, also known as blepharoplasty, is a cosmetic surgery procedure performed by Crystal Clinic Plastic Surgeons to remove excess fat and skin on the upper lids, minimize puffiness under the eyes, and tighten the lower eyelid. Our surgeons are skilled in the full range of eyelid surgery techniques, each based on individual needs and desired results.

Most people who have had eyelid surgery are thrilled with the results, as they often look years younger. Their eyes appear more open and bright and, overall, they look more refreshed.

Eyelid surgery can be combined with a brow lift or facelift to address other concerns and rejuvenate the entire face. Laser skin resurfacing, microdermabrasion or chemical peels may be recommended to minimize fine wrinkles and enhance results. In addition, BOTOX® may be used to temporarily eliminate fine lines around the eyes and deep creases between the eyebrows.

The best way to know if eyelid surgery is right for you is to sit down with your Crystal Clinic Plastic Surgeons specialist for a personal consultation. Together, you will discuss your condition, your desired results, the details of the procedure and post-procedure expectations, financial options, and any concerns or questions you may have. 

The first step is to schedule an appointment. Scheduling an initial consultation with your Crystal Clinic Plastic Surgeons expert will not obligate you to move forward with any procedure.

Face Lift

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Face the world with confidence.

With age often comes wisdom. But age can also bring undesirable changes to the face, such as deep lines or folds running between the corners of the nose and mouth, and jowls. It can also contribute to the loss of a well-defined jawline, deep wrinkles and sagging cheeks, loose skin, wrinkles or excess fatty tissue in the neck.

A facelift, also known as a rhytidectomy, is a cosmetic surgery procedure performed by Crystal Clinic Plastic Surgeons to improve these obvious signs of aging. A facelift smooths loose skin on the face and neck, tightens and repositions underlying tissues, and removes excess fat. The result is firmer and smoother skin, a more youthful, refreshed appearance, and increased confidence. 

Crystal Clinic surgeons are skilled in the full range of advanced facelift techniques, including a limited incision facelift to address the early signs of aging. This surgical technique provides the same benefits as a traditional facelift, but with fewer incisions and faster healing. Depending on the specific areas of concern, a facelift may be combined with a neck lift, or the facelift or neck lift may be performed alone.

While a facelift can improve a sagging neck and cheeks, it cannot correct sagging eyebrows, remove excess skin and fatty deposits in the eyelids, or improve wrinkles around the mouth. To address these areas, a facelift can be performed with a brow lift, eyelid surgery, or laser skin resurfacing, microdermabrasion or chemical peels for a complete makeover. 

The best way to know if a facelift is right for you is to sit down with your Crystal Clinic Plastic Surgeons specialist for a personal consultation. Together, you will discuss your condition, your desired results, the details of the procedure and post-procedure expectations, financial options, and any concerns or questions you may have.  

The first step is to schedule an appointment. Scheduling an initial consultation with your Crystal Clinic Plastic Surgeons expert will not obligate you to move forward with any procedure.

Injectables: Botox and Fillers

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Reverse the signs of aging without surgery.

The fight against wrinkles is the most common reason individuals seek facial rejuvenation. Non-surgical, non-invasive skin treatments are particularly effective in treating the first signs of aging to reveal a smoother, younger-looking complexion. 

Treatment options are based on the two types of wrinkles. There are dynamic wrinkles that are produced by repetitive facial expressions, such as “crow’s feet” that form around the eyes from smiling. And there are resting wrinkles, that are due to lost elasticity from aging, sun exposure or other environmental factors. 

To treat dynamic wrinkles, including crow’s feet, Crystal Clinic uses BOTOX®. It’s an effective way to minimize horizontal creases on the forehead, vertical creases between the eyes, and wrinkles on the sides of the nose and around the upper lip. BOTOX® can also improve the appearance of deep vertical bands on the neck, one of the earliest signs of aging. Along with being very effective, treatment with BOTOX® is quick, convenient and affordable.

Resting wrinkles require a different treatment approach and benefit from the use of injectable fillers. Fillers are injected directly under wrinkles or deep facial lines to push the wrinkles outward, making skin appear fuller and wrinkles less noticeable. Collagen fillers and fat that has been removed from an individual’s abdomen, thigh or buttocks, have been successfully used for years. While collagen and fat continue to be excellent options, other FDA-approved filler materials been developed, each with their own unique characteristics and advantages.

Products such as Juvederm®, Restylane® and Perlane® replenish areas in the face where fullness has been lost. These products use hyaluronic acid gel, a naturally-occurring substance in the body. Radiesse® is made from calcium hydroxyapatite, an element found in the bones and teeth, which stimulates the body’s own natural collagen production. Scupltra® contains poly-L-lactic acid, a synthetic material that also stimulates the body’s own collagen production to restore facial fat loss, especially around the cheeks and eyes. Although filler results vary based upon the filler type and severity of the wrinkles, the results are often long-lasting and may even be permanent. 

Deeper wrinkles and sagging skin may require a more involved lift procedure or a combination of surgical and non-surgical treatments to deliver the desired results.

The best way to know if BOTOX® or fillers are right for you is to sit down with your Crystal Clinic Plastic Surgeons specialist for a personal consultation. Together, you will discuss your condition, your desired results, the details of the procedure and post-procedure expectations, financial options, and any concerns or questions you may have. 

The first step is to schedule an appointment. 

Lip Enhancement

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Turn thin lips into a full, sexy pout.

For those who are unhappy with the fullness or shape of their lips, many options are available to redefine the lips, and add fullness and smoothness – with or without surgery.

For those who would like to enhance their lips without surgery, Crystal Clinic Plastic Surgeons offer several lip filler options. Products such as Juvederm®, Restylane® and Perlane® enhance the lips with hyaluronic acid gel, a naturally-occurring substance in the body. Other available filler materials include collagen derived from human sources, and Radiesse®, which is made from calcium hydroxyapatite, an element found in the bones and teeth, that stimulates the body’s own natural collagen production. Fat injections, also known as fat transfers or liposculpture, take a person’s unwanted fat (usually from the abdomen) and inject it into the lips to add volume.

Crystal Clinic Plastic Surgeons also perform the full range of lip enhancement procedures, including several surgical techniques. The V-Y advancement flap procedure uses the lining on the inside of the lip to add permanent, natural-looking fullness to the outer lips.  An indirect lift of the upper lip addresses an overly long lip and reveals more of the upper teeth. A lip tuck of either the upper or lower lip may be recommended to pull the red part of the lip outward, so the lips look fuller and more attractive. With a corner lip lift, the lips are turned up slightly for a more youthful appearance. Dermal/fascia grafts use tissue or skin that has been removed from another part of the body to add fullness to one or both lips. This is often done during a facelift procedure when other tissue is readily available.

The best way to know which lip enhancement procedure is right for you is to sit down with your Crystal Clinic Plastic Surgeons specialist for a personal consultation. Together, you will discuss your condition, your desired results, the details of the procedure, financial options, and any concerns or questions you may have.  

The first step is to schedule an appointment. Scheduling an initial consultation with your Crystal Clinic Plastic Surgeons expert will not obligate you to move forward with any procedure. 

Neck Lift

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Don’t let your neck reveal your age.

In women and men, a well-defined neck is a sign of youthfulness and beauty. Unfortunately, the neck is also one of the first areas to show the effects of aging, including loose, hanging skin and the accumulation of fat under the chin.  

A neck lift procedure, also known as platysmaplasty, is a cosmetic surgery procedure performed by Crystal Clinic Plastic Surgeons that redefines the neck line and addresses the signs of aging. It eliminates excess fat under the chin, tightens lax neck muscles, and removes sagging skin on the neck and under the jaw line. Sometimes facial liposuction may be used with a neck lift to remove fat under the chin. A neck lift is less involved than a facelift, which may be used to correct more advanced changes in both the neck and face. Crystal Clinic Plastic Surgeons are also experienced in non-surgical neck rejuvenation including BOTOX® and Kybella®.

After a neck lift, many women find they not only look younger, but also thinner, which helps them feel more confident and attractive. 

The best way to know if a neck lift is right for you is to sit down with your Crystal Clinic Plastic Surgeons specialist for a personal consultation. Together, you will discuss your condition, your desired results, the details of the procedure, financial options, and any concerns or questions you may have.  

The first step is to schedule an appointment. Scheduling an initial consultation with your Crystal Clinic Plastic Surgeons expert will not obligate you to move forward with any procedure.  


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Make your nose your best feature.

Many people are self-conscious about the size or shape of their nose, and feel it is not in balance with their other facial features. If the bone and cartilage in the middle of the nose is off-center or crooked, it can affect breathing, a condition known as a deviated septum. 

Crystal Clinic Plastic Surgeons perform nose surgery, also known as rhinoplasty, to improve the appearance of the nose. Rhinoplasty is one of the oldest and most common cosmetic surgery procedures. Correction of a deviated septum is often completed at the same time. Rhinoplasty can be performed as early as age 14 to 17 years, once the bones of the face have matured. It can correct a variety of conditions, including a large or crooked nose, a prominent hump on the bridge of the nose, a large or drooping nasal tip, and large nostrils.

The best way to know if rhinoplasty is right for you is to sit down with your Crystal Clinic Plastic Surgeons specialist for a personal consultation. Together, you will discuss your condition, your desired results, the details of the procedure and post-procedure expectations, financial options, and any concerns or questions you may have.  

The first step is to schedule an appointment. Scheduling an initial consultation with your Crystal Clinic Plastic Surgeons expert will not obligate you to move forward with any procedure.